It's time for another garden update, or an abbreviated one at least! I'm not getting into all the garden areas as it's been a while since I've taken photos of some (and I still need to weed and don't want to embarrass myself too much).
First off, I've officially had my first couple harvests of basil. I made classic pesto with the first batch, and have frozen the rest for now as I need more recipes that use basil. It's interesting that my basil is doing so ridiculously well, as last year I killed my lone basil plant. It's been five days since I last cut it, and I almost need to do it again! My only guess as far as its happiness is that it has its own dedicated pot, and a couple "friends" to keep it company (I have three basil plants in one large pot).
I had a "YAY!" moment last week when my puny (but healthy) bleeding heart plant produced a lone flower. I didn't fully expect the plants to bloom this year since we just put them in this spring, but was pleasantly surprised when I discovered one flower had popped out. It has since started to wilt, but here's to more flowers as the summer goes on!
R is currently away on a house boating trip for a bachelor party, but on Tuesday I checked out the garden and his potatoes had had a major growth spurt. I'm talking a "double in size in the last week" growth spurt. He really needs to get on hilling his babies!
And I saved the most exciting thing for last. My Black Krum tomato plant had popped out a tomato the other week, but it wasn't nearly as exciting as finding this little gem - a baby zebra tomato! It's such a neat pattern on it, I can't wait until it's ripe and I can slice it up! Funny thing is, I don't even really like tomatoes...but I'm willing to make an exception for these guys. ;)
That's all for this update...perhaps if I get my butt in gear weeding over the weekend, I'll take some more pictures and will be able to show you how well the peas, beans and zucchini are coming along - they actually look like real plants now! :)
Oh yay! You garden is looking amazing! I'm so excited to see what this zebra tomato will look like fully grown! I keep forgetting to water mine so they're a little wilted :(